Does Gaming Influence Cognitive Abilities?

Video games are a common pastime for many people all over the world. They provide an entertaining way to pass the time and can help us relax after a long day at work. However, there’s still some controversy regarding whether video games positively affect your brain performance. Here we will discuss what studies have shown us about the effects of gaming and whether or not they can improve cognitive abilities such as memory, attention span, and spatial reasoning skills.

Previous studies and controversial results

While the effects of gaming on cognitive abilities are still being studied, recent studies have shown that video games can have both positive and negative effects. Some research suggests that video games can increase players’ attention span and reaction time, while other studies say they also promote depression and aggression.

Although some studies have found no effect of video games on cognitive ability, many others show that certain types of games improve spatial reasoning skills—the ability to visualize objects in space—in children with dyslexia and hyperactivity disorder. However, the results were inconsistent across all types of games or all people: one study showed that first-person shooter games increased spatial reasoning skills in male participants but decreased them in female participants!

Visual acuity and attention span might be improved by playing

The study suggests that playing might improve cognitive abilities such as visual acuity and attention span. The researchers note that video games can be used to improve cognitive abilities, such as visual acuity and attention span, but only if the player has enough time to play regularly.

Video games may also help develop other cognitive functions, including memory, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. In addition to training specific skills through gameplay mechanics like puzzles or strategy games, players can also benefit from the “cognitive exercise” provided by gaming.

Video games can strengthen brain connections

Video game players have improved their cognitive abilities, including better vision and improved memory. A study by researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that playing video games can improve brain connections, thus strengthening overall memory.

In addition to increasing your memory, this study found that playing regular action video games helps keep your brain sharp as you age!

Improved working memory for children with dyslexia

A study by the University of New South Wales showed that a particular type of core-reflex training improved working memory and some reading tests for children with dyslexia.

Core-reflex training has benefits for those with dyslexia. It is a type of physical therapy that can improve working memory and some reading skills for children with dyslexia.

Core-reflex training involves performing exercises that target your core muscles. Working out these muscles helps them to be more flexible, which makes it easier for you to reach and stretch out your body in different ways. This can strengthen your brain’s ability to focus on things like reading and math problems because it gives the brain more flexibility in how you move around the classroom or home.

Several different activities fall under this category:

  • Stretching and bending over so one knee touches their nose (called a “crawl”).
  • Stretching one arm behind them while keeping their body straight (called an “upward dog”).
  • Raising one leg into the air while keeping both arms on either side of them (called a “downward dog”).
  • Standing up without using hands or knees on anything else besides themselves (called balance).
  • Etcetera.

Improved mental rotation skills in young adults 

Researchers from Michigan State University found improved mental rotation skills in young adults who are used to playing online games compared to those who did not regularly play games.

The researchers found that the young adults who played online video games had a better ability to visualize objects from different angles and rotate them in their minds than those who did not play these games. This skill is important for mathematics, engineering, art, and science. These are all areas where we need this ability so that we can be able to think about how something works differently depending on how it’s oriented or turned.

Mental rotation of objects has been shown through research studies to be a skill that improves with practice—and video games may provide an easy way for people to get more practice at this task without having them take time out from their busy lives.

Improved spatial reasoning skills after playing 

A study led by Jessi Hoffman of Indiana University showed that people who played Portal 2, a 3D puzzle-platform game, had better spatial reasoning skills after playing the game than were seen before they started playing.

Spatial reasoning is important for many jobs, including architects and engineers.

Surgeons who play video games perform much better on virtual reality simulators

It might surprise you to learn that video games can improve cognitive skills. If you’re not a gamer, you may think of them as ways to pass the time or as something that keeps you from doing more productive things. But there’s no denying that they are popular—and since we spend so much time playing them, they must provide some benefit.

In fact, research by the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience showed that surgeons who play video games perform much better on virtual reality simulators than surgeons who do not. This suggests that playing video games could help train people for other tasks involving hand-eye coordination and visual processing (things like surgery and piloting).

But what about soldiers? Does playing first-person shooters improve their ability to do their jobs? A study published in 2013 found evidence for this: soldiers who played immersive combat simulation games were better able than non-players at recognizing enemy threats using peripheral vision (the side of your field of vision).

Gaming may be a good way to develop and train your cognitive abilities

Video games are often a source of ridicule, with their reputation as a waste of time or even an addictive disorder. However, research shows that video gaming may be a good way to develop and train your cognitive abilities. In fact, numerous studies have shown that video games can improve visual acuity and attention span by enhancing the ability to focus on specific tasks or areas.

However, it’s important to note that while there has been no evidence so far linking excessive gaming with any detrimental effects on health (like addiction), moderation is still key when playing video games. It’s also worth pointing out that not all types of video games will necessarily be able to train your brain in the same way—some genres can actually cause more harm than good! For example, if you lose track of time while playing certain types of games (such as first-person shooters), you should probably take a break from them for now.


This article has shown you the benefits of gaming for your cognitive abilities. Gaming can help you improve your memory, spatial reasoning, reading skills, and more. However, this does not mean all games benefit your brain. Some games may even negatively affect cognitive function if they are too challenging or repetitive, so it’s important to choose a balanced gaming experience with fun gameplay that doesn’t get too stressful!